"Sweet Treats" Kookie Class STL Combo Pack
"Sweet Treats" Kookie Class STL Combo Pack
Kirkie Kookies “Sweet Treats” Class STL Combo Pack
Cupcake Cookie - 4.75” tall
Doughnut Cookie- 4.25” wide
Chocolate Cheesecake Cookie- 3.5” wide
Lollipop Cookie- 4.5” tall
This product is intended for customers who have their own 3D printer and want to print this cookie cutter shape from home. This product is a digital download STL file- no physical cookie cutter will be shipped.
This digital download link will expire within 24 hours of opening the file. DOWNLOAD AND SAVE RIGHT AWAY!!! The STL files are yours to keep and use whenever you need them!
Please do not purchase this product unless you or someone you know is experienced with 3D printing.
Remember to always use food safe PLA filament when printing cookie cutters!
In purchasing this product you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions below:
You are not allowed to share or re-sell these files in any way shape or form. They are for your own personal use ONLY!!!
Kirkie Kookies is not responsible for the quality of your home prints.
All sales on digital STL files are FINAL. No refunds.
Click and download the Zip file. Once you download it to your desktop, double click on the zip file and that will open the STL files. Be sure to download and save them to your desktop RIGHT AWAY!
Open the STL files in your Slicing software. I use Cura, but PrusaSlicer, Octoprint, Ideamaker and others will all work with the STL files. From here, you can print the cutter with the settings of your choice. REMEMBER to only use PLA filament because it is the only filament that is food safe for your cookie cutters. Happy printing!!